Bath High School Preservation
Bath High School by Frans Van Barr
Honor & Glory


Membership & Support

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Membership Dues

Bath High School Preservation annual
dues are $25.

You may get your Membership Form here.

Send to:
Bath High School Preservation
P.O. Box 149
Bath, NC 27808

Membership via PayPal

email address
Memorial Name


BHS Preservation annual recognition levels:

Swashbuckler  $25 - $74.99 
Maroon/White Pirate $75 - $149.99 
Buccaneer $150 - $299.99 
Crossbones $300 - $499.99
Blackbeard $500 - $999.99
Friends of T.A. & Molly Brooks $1000 - $4,999.99
600 Club $1000

Send to:
Bath High School Preservation
P.O. Box 149
Bath, NC 27808

Donate via PayPal

Donation Recognition Level

Bath High School Preservation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your donation may be tax deductible.

And in addition to your donation, contact your neighbors and classmates regarding this important project.